Welcome to the Peter Davison Hub


Peter Davison Hub

Is There Life Outside the Box?
An Actor Despairs

Is There Life Outside the Box By Peter Davison

Peter's much anticipated autobiography
is available now at
also at Amazon UK and Amazon

** Click to read
PD Hub's Review **

"Is There Life Outside the Box?"

Special thanks to John Blake Publishing Ltd
for providing the cover art and review copy.

Welcome to the Official Peter Davison Hub, your central online source of information, career history, current news, links archive and upcoming appearance schedule for the multi-talented, actor-writer-musician-director, Peter Davison.

Be sure to for current news, appearance schedules & career history, with plenty of photos added daily to continually growing albums!

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Where is Peter now?


Updated 29 September 2024

Exeter Comic Con and Gaming Festival
UK Comic Con and Gaming Festivals
12 & 13 Oct 2024
Westpoint Arena
Exeter, UK

Who's At The Playhouse
Happy Who Year
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Epsom Playhouse
Surrey UK

CONsole Room
January 31-February 2, 2025
Bloomington, MN, USA

Gosport Comic Con 2025
April 13, 2025
St Vincent College
Gosport, UK

Em-Con 25
June 7-8, 2025
The Motorpoint Arena
Nottingham, UK

* Announced personal appearances are subject to changes due to evolving work commitments, or emergency family or personal circumstances. Be sure to check the convention website for updates before making your final plans!

Appearance information thanks to
individual convention or official event announcements.
A Message from Peter Getting on with people is important. I cannot bear working in a tense atmosphere, so when I'm filming a series I'm quite strong on making sure everyone gets on. Acting is hard work - especially if you are in every scene of a series - but it's wonderful when, at the end of a shoot, everyone has had a really great time.
Peter Davison Hub and PeterDavisonHub.com are Copyright © Mary Ellen Daugherty 2016. All articles are original and owned by the named writers thereof.
All original artwork Copyright © the named owner unless otherwise stated. Images are used under fair use terms except where a source is attributed.
External sources are quoted where relevant. Peter Davison Hub is a non-profit-making project.

Doctor Who, the Doctor Who Logo and the TARDIS name and image are Copyright © by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 1963, 2004. The Dalek name and image Copyright © Terry Nation 1963.
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